Spices Bazaar

Entrance Fee : FREE

Address : Mısır çarşısı / Eminönü / Fatih / Istanbul

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Masterpiece Of The History Of Architecture

With its characteristic as a “Double Bazaar”, the Egyptian Bazaar is a structure constructed in traditional Ottoman pattern as a combination of two separate bazaars. With its successive rows of stone and brick in traditional Ottoman pattern, the Egyptian Bazaar was constructed as “L” shaped. The East – West branch of this double bazaar, arising from the “L” shaped architecture, is comparatively longer than the other. In the intersection point where long and short branches come together, there is a praying square covered with cross vault. The arches that supported the vaults were not rested on the walls; but instead bearing legs were utilized for that purpose. And there is a town crier house near the southeastern leg.

The main entrances of the Egyptian Bazaar are the ones on the edges of two long branches. The main entrances at the extremities of the two branches are in the form of two-storied portals with six-arch colonnades. Besides, the gate that leads to the Tahmis Street is also in the form of two-storied portals with six-arch colonnades. Two other entrances, facing one another, other than that main entrance are in the middle section of the branch which extends to Makulyan Inn.

The Egyptian Bazaar has 6 gates in total, 2 big and 4 small. According to the “L” shaped design of the bazaar, there are rooms above the colonnades on the edges both branches. Those domed rooms could be accessed through the ladders within the bazaar.